Busan International Film Festival <Wide angle - Korean Film Competition>
Asiana International Film Festival <Cine Cube Award>
Blue Dragon Awards <Korean Short Film Competition>
청룡영화제 <단편부문 경쟁>
부산국제영화제 <와이드 앵글 -한국단편부문 경쟁>
아시아나 국제 영화제 <시네큐브상>
Joan broke with her boyfriend and then downloaded the dating app. By the recommendation of the app, she is matched with a stable man who is the opposite of her ex-boyfriend, and lonely Jo-an meets him. The blind date progresses smoothly. However, she seems more and more frightened of the man who seems to know so much about her...
2인칭 내레이션으로 들려주는 25살 ‘조안’의 이야기. 나지막한 목소리의 내레이터는 조안을 오랫동안 알고 지켜본 듯, 그녀의 삶에 대해 상세하게 얘기해준다.
Korea China Internation Film Festival <Award for Best picture>
한중 국제 영화제 <최우수작품상>
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